Saturday, 27 November 2010


Just a snippet on something I'm getting more involved in.

Meegolandia Open 2011 will be in Tampere, April 15-16, 2011. It's a national MeeGo summit targeted towards developers/hackers. E.g. there'll be a "Meegathon" (à la hackathon). For info and updates, follow @meegolandia on twitter and join/like our Facebook page. There's also an irc channel #meegolandia on

For MeeGo news and happenings in general (in Finland), feel free to join our MeeGo Network Finland group on LinkedIn.

More specifically, in Tampere, you're welcome to our monthly TMN meetups. They are usually on every third Tuesday of the month. The next one is shaping up to be a special Christmas/sauna meetup, unfortunately I can't attend as I'll be thawing in Taiwan :) Here's the FB page for Tampere MeeGo Network. Check out what we're doing / have done, pics and all.

(I help admin some of the pages mentioned :))

P/S. If you don't know what MeeGo is, there's a short intro on, or the dependable wikipedia. I'm not an expert either, I'm learning as I go along, and enjoying the surf on the MeeGo wave (which I think is only going to get bigger)!

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