Friday, 16 July 2010

Purchase planning....

Looking back at the first half of this year, I've already made several major (tech) purchases: an LCD TV, a PS3 console, and a DSLR. (Add to that a netbook if I include last December.)

A great perk of working for Nokia is that my cell phone needs/wants are taken care of. For the most part. I'm still tempted to get an Android device to play with. However my more immediate need is a new laptop (the netbook is fun/cool but it's under-powered), and a more pressing want is a tablet (preferably something Linux-based).

Lenovo really excited me with the introduction of their IdeaPad U1 Hybrid earlier this year:

That would have satisfied both my desires with one purchase. Unfortunately, it has since been put off indefinitely:

Damn. Oh well, let's hope they're secretly working on a "U2" with capacitive touch and Android/Meego for the tablet OS :) Or does anyone know of other similar hybrid systems? Need to do more research...

Besides, I shouldn't be buying anymore pricey items this year. I have two major trips planned (back to Dallas and Taipei) and those will hurt my pockets quite a bit. OTOH, electronics are generally cheaper in US and Asia so I could pick something up on those trips. Ahhh, what to do...

Maybe I should auction off my clothes and accessories. I have too much of those lying around taking up precious space that I need for more toys :) But most stuff aren't "branded" (i'm cheap when it comes to clothes) and probably won't fetch much. Better off donating them I suppose.

I think I'll at least get the relatively inexpensive Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II camera lens before the year is over. And I really should stop now because I've surfed Amazon plus a whole bunch of tech sites/blogs while writing this post. Not helping my "purchase planning" one bit :P

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