Friday, 12 November 2010


Had Finnish class last night. I am making improvements but need to study more by myself instead of just flipping through the book right before class. Yesterday we went through some present perfect and past perfect tenses, as well as pronouns. There's this Chinese guy in class who didn't speak much English. I tried to explain the stuff to him but my Chinese skills are insufficient. Or is it that Chinese grammar is in fact insufficient to explain the above? There are no tenses, so how do I explain the perfect tense? And pronouns... how do you translate "whom/whose" to Chinese? Or explain the "which" in this sentence - 'The car, which I drive, is old.'

Apua. (Help.)

Typing this in a new browser - RockMelt. Pretty nifty, clean interface, based on Chrome. Haven't found it extremely useful, plus there's no Linux version yet so I can't run it on my home laptops. Will probably just use it as a light social browser on my work laptop.

So, Friday is here. Sauna soon. Might go for the "International coffee house" meetup after that, but not staying out too late as I've to be up early tomorrow for the road trip to Kouvola for the performance.

Have a good weekend!

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